(206) 480-7818

Moyenda Institute | Charitable Donations


Moyenda Institute is transforming lives with the donations we receive and your support enables us to provide vital resources to those in need of healing.

Our donation fund is designated for groundbreaking research in holistic healing practices in Plant Medicines and with African Centered Treatments.

We also offer a Community Healing Assistance Program by offering scholarships in holistic healing modalities to those who want to serve in a greater capacity as a Healer and by providing access to essential services for marginalized communities.

Compassion is our guiding principle as every donation received is a testament to the kindness that resides within our community and how every act of generosity makes an impact towards healing our world.

Together, we can transform lives and create a ripple effect of healing that reverberates throughout and heals all communities.

Moyenda Research & Healing Institute


Are you searching for a meaningful way to make a lasting impact? Well, we have a suggestion.

Donate your unoccupied property to the Moyenda Research and Healing Institute and help us create a sanctuary for healing and a source for wellness.

By donating it to Moyenda Research and Healing Institute, we can transform it into a healing sanctuary where our community can find solace, renewal and support for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Your generous donation will not only breathes new life into your unoccupied property but also gives hope to your community; those who benefit most from the services offered at our healing center.

We envision training Healers with holistic therapies while providing public Wellness Workshops and private counseling sessions.

Depending upon the needs of the community, we can organically transform your property to serve as a catalyst for positive change that targets the areas that require attention and makes the most impact.

Together, we can turn your unoccupied property into a Beacon of Hope and a safe place to heal wounds and empower lives.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Moyenda Research & Healing Institute
Moyenda Research & Healing Institute


Donations made to the Moyenda Institute support our Health Ministry, Community Healing Assistance Program, Public Lectures and Member Workshops. 

  • Make a donation on Venmo.com to:
    @Makhulu-Uhuru, Director of Moyenda Institute.

  • Donation is by a friend with the message:
    Charitable Donation.

  • After Moyenda Institute receives your donation,
    expect an email with a receipt for tax deductions.

Moyenda Research and Healing Institute is a Private Membership Association 508 C(1)a.

Thank you for your support.

Moyenda Research & Healing Institute


    to our Newsletter to receive notifications on our Health Ministry, Research Articles, Upcoming Events, Workshops and Community Assistance Programs.