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Dr Makhulu Uhuru | Moyenda Institute

Dr Uhuru has been described as an enigma, a phenomenon, a mystery to us all.

Dr. Makhulu Uhuru

Brief Biography

I was born in 1954 in Wichita Kansas. It was in my early days, around the age of nine years old, that my perspectives on goals in my life were formulated. One of my main goals was to study every religion. I knew this would take a lot of time.

Because I was born a sickly child I have memories of many doctor visits. These early doctor visits always left me with many questions. It was these questions that stayed with me throughout my life.

In 1968 my Family moved from Wichita to Tacoma Washington after my Mother remarried. The marriage did not last very long but we remained in Tacoma.

I graduated from Lincoln High school in 1972 and attended Tacoma Community College briefly. I studied Music and Sociology. After leaving college I entered the electrical trade as an apprentice.

I worked for almost 40 years in the trade and during that time I moved to California in 1980 to be closer to my Mother who had moved there after I graduated.

I attended Long Beach City College briefly to once again study the music business and psychology. Even though it was another brief stint in school my interest in reading and studying psychology persisted after I left Long Beach.

In 1991 I returned to the Pacific Northwest at my Brothers request to help him open a Bakery. It was at this time I discovered a store called Black Bird Books. It was the first time that I had seen a book store dedicated to black people. I purchased many books from the owner of the store Joseph Zimbabwe.

In 1992 I left the United States to travel to East Africa to seek better opportunities and perspectives. It was my first day in Africa when I met the wonderful woman who would become my wife. Together we have two children a daughter 20 and an autistic son 25 years of age.

So for the last 27 years I have continued to study and research the history of just about everything you can imagine. With the help of technology I have been able to cover a vast array of subjects. But mostly the history of African Americans.

In 2016 I was admitted to the hospital for what was diagnosed as a minor heart attack. After that I have been on a mission to recover my health. Now my focus has been on keeping my health and helping my wife and autistic son keep theirs.

The information that I have uncovered is also presented in my lectures.

Dr Makhulu Uhuru | Moyenda Institute

Sitting on Daddy’s Knee

Regular Ceremonial Cocoa Tea

Infused Ceremonial Cocoa Tea