Psilocybin Therapy emerges as a promising treatment for PTSD by offering significant symptom reduction and profound psychological insights.
Psilocybin Therapy emerges as a promising treatment for PTSD by offering significant symptom reduction and profound psychological insights.
Psilocybin’s interaction with Serotonin receptors positively enhances neural activity and pathways associated with our mood regulation.
A brief history on Psychedelics with a description of the different classifications of Hallucinogens and how they work.
R. Gordon Wasson introduced the concept of Magic Mushrooms to the Western world in 1955 and influenced an emerging counter-culture.
In this next series we will tackle the stigmas of Plant Medicine Therapy and provide a preview of our upcoming
The therapeutic compounds in cocoa beans combined with the psychedelic effects of psilocybin create remarkable possibilities.
Psilocybin closely resembles serotonin receptors that play a crucial role in regulating mood, cognition and various physiological functions.
Cocoa contains Flavanols with neuroprotective effects that can enhance memory, concentration and address age-cognitive challenges.
The Cocoa compound Theobromine can stimulate our central nervous system and brain for enhanced cognitive functions.
We delve into the scientific insights of combining theobromine from cocoa with psilocybin and their potential healing capabilities.
Scientific research acknowledges the cognitive and cardiovascular benefits of combining cocoa with psilocybin for potential mental health treatments.
we are researching the process of applying what we learn and retaining the benefits of the Psilocybin.
The intersection of psilocybin mushrooms and science is an exciting and rapidly evolving field.
Psilocybin has been associated with increased brain flexibility, allowing it to adapt and potentially alleviate mental health challenges.
Cocoa Tea is a delicious and nutritious beverage that offers a variety of health benefits.